Perunding alam sekitar ialah bidang tugas yang mempelopori aktiviti penjagaan alam sekitar dari segi sains dan teknologi pada masa kini. Di antara kepakaran perunding alam sekitar ialah:
1. Perunding
2. Penasihat
3. Merekabentuk
4. Kontrak bersama syarikat
5. Membekalkan Peralatan
6. Makmal Pengujian
7. Pemantauan dan Penilaian Alam Sekitar
Seseorang perunding alam sekitar mempunyai kebolehan mengikut kepakaran yang dimiliki, diantara bidang tugasan yang dilakuakan ialah:
1. Pengolahan air minuman
2. Pengolahan air sisa industri
3. Pengolahan air pembentungan (contoh: indah water konsortium (IWK))
4. Pengolahan dan pelupusan sisa enap cemar dan pepejal
5. Pengawalan pencemaran udara
6. Pengawalan bunyi bising
7. Penilaian Impak Alam Sekitar (EIA) dan Audit alam sekitar
Kesemua tugasan tersebut mengikut Akta Kualiti Alam Sekeliling 1974, mengikut pematuhan Peraturan – Peraturan Kualiti Alam Sekeliling seperti berikut
1. Peraturan – Peraturan Kualiti Alam Sekeliling (Efluen Perindustrian) 2009
2. Peraturan – Peraturan Kualiti Alam Sekeliling (Pembentungan) 2009
3. Peraturan – Peraturan Kualiti Alam Sekeliling (Tapak Pelupusan Sampah) 2009
4. Peraturan – Peraturan Kualiti Alam Sekeliling (Buangan Terjadual) 2005
5. Peraturan – Peraturan Kualiti Alam Sekeliling (Udara Bersih) 1978
Dan sebagainya termaktub di dalam Akta Kualiti Alam Sekeliling 1974 bergantung kepada jenis pencemaran yang perlu dikawal dan dikaji oleh pihak perunding alam sekitar.
Untuk menjadi seorang perunding alam sekitar, perlu memiliki sekurang – kurangnya ijazah didalam bidang berkaitan kejuruteraan atau kelebihan kepada kejuruteraan alam sekitar. Selain itu, jika seseorang individu tersebut memiliki kelayakan pendidikan taraf ijazah sarjana dan kedoktoran merupakan keistimewaan dalam pengurusan sebagai perunding. Pengalaman merupakan aset terpenting yang menentukan kualiti seorang perunding dalam merekabentuk sebuah sistem pengolahan yang bakal dibina dan kebolehan menyelesaikan masalah di lapangan dengan efektif.
Berikut merupakan persatuan perunding alam sekitar di Malaysia
Persatuan Perunding dan Syarikat Alam Sekitar Malaysia
Association of Environmental Consultants and Companies of Malaysia
Office Add: No. 2, 2nd Floor, Jalan 8/1E, Section 8, 46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. URL :
Setiap individu atau kumpulan yang ingin berdaftar sebagai ahli pakar perunding wajib mematuhi syarat – syarat yang di tetapkan oleh pihak persatuan terlebih dahulu. Bagi individu, keperluan kelayakan adalah
1. Terbuka kepada setiap individu warga negara Malaysia
2. Kelayakan akedamik di peringkat universiti dalam bidang alam sekitar, atau;
3. Sekurang – kurangnya 5 tahun pengalaman di dalam bidang alam sekitar
Kelayakan bagi syarikat korporat adalah seperti berikut:
1. Terbuka kepada syarikat yang sah, aktif di dalam bidang melibatkan alam sekitar atau mahir mengenai teknologi alam sekitar dan perniagaan yang berkaitan denganya.
2. Walaubagaimanapun, ahli korporate syarikat perundingan alam sekitar mestilah mempunyai sekurang – kurangnya seorang ahli yang pakar dan minimum 2 tahun pengalaman di dalam bidang alam sekitar atau kelayakan akedamik di peringkat universiti dan minimum 2 tahun pengalaman bekerja di dalam bidang alam sekitar.
3. Jika ahli korporat menyediakan bekalan peralatan dan servis pada industri alam sekitar perlulah, sekurang – kurangnya, seorang dengan kelayakan pengalaman selama 3 tahaun berkaitan dengan tugasanya.
Gaji seseorang perunding alam sekitar yang mahir dan pakar serta mempunyai rekod yang bagus dalam tugasan perundingan boleh mencecah RM 10’000 dan keatas. Selain itu penggantungan kepada penerimaan projek boleh mempengaruhi pendapatan seseorang perunding.
Environmental engineering in Malaysia
20 May 2009 By Dr Ngu Lock Hei
(Published in'Campus & Beyond', a weekly column written by Swinburne academics in the Borneo Post newspaper)
It covers a wide range of issues such as air, noise and water pollution as well as solid, industrial and hazardous waste generation and management, wastewater and water treatment, soil erosion control, resources planning, environmental management and monitoring, human safety and health, sustainable development, emission of carbon dioxides and other greenhouse gases, and so forth. It is a crucial component to achieving sustainable development such as in the management of the country’s resources and in addressing the production of wastes that result from developmental, commercial, industrial, agricultural and domestic activities. The prospect of growth for environmental engineering in Malaysia is huge. It is predicted to be one of the fastest growing engineering disciplines in the next 50 years. The national environmental market is growing at a rate of 10% annually. About 35% of the investment that goes into the environmental sector is for equipment while the remaining 65% is for services. Demand for environmental engineers and specialists are therefore on the rise. Areas that have been identified for growth are sewerage and industrial waste water treatment, industrial and hazardous waste management, solid waste management and water treatment. However, Malaysia currently faces a shortage of resources, manpower and technical expertise to effectively cater for the development of its environmental needs. The country imports most of its environmental technology but the government encourages collaborative projects between foreign and local partners, especially those that provide the country with long term technology transfer. Such collaboration will help the country develop technologies that are suitable for its environmental well-being. At the same time it will provide employment, market development and training for local environmental experts. The Malaysia Environment Quality Report published in 2006 indicates that seven percent of rivers in Malaysia are polluted. Major water pollution sources are from sewage treatment plants and manufacturing industries. In the same year, the Malaysian government allocated RM800 million for the repair and upgrade of existing sewage treatment plants as well as construction of new sewerage treatment plants. The Sarawak government has recently approved a master plan to build a centralized sewage treatment plant for Kuching in 2008. Hence, environmental engineers will be highly sought after to design, construct, commission, operate and maintain these facilities. Malaysia is on track to becoming an industrialized nation. With the growth of various industries is also the increase in waste water generated from industries. Industrial waste water has to be treated to comply with regulated quality before it is discharged into inland water bodies. Low-cost waste water systems, monitoring equipment, wastewater-recycling equipment, sludge dryers and industrial purification systems along with environmental consultancy are what the industries need to ensure they comply with environmental regulation when dealing with industrial waste water. In the management of industrial and hazardous wastes, environmental engineers carry out waste minimization plan, hazardous waste recycling and disposal as well as bio-remediation plan. The country’s expanding population and rapid economic development means an increase in solid waste, and this is expected to exceed 20,000 tonnes daily by 2020. Solid waste management in major cities has become more difficult with the current system of manual collection. The disposal of such waste is also a problem due to the lack of suitable dumpsites, modernized equipment, methods and environmental controls. Engineers are therefore needed to design landfill, construct transfer stations, implement waste recycling and composting methods, design and operate waste incinerators facilities. In the case of water treatment, various state water authorities have been corporatized or privatized in the past few years to increase efficiency in managing the country’s water supply system. Kelantan, Penang and Johor have privatized their water utilities while Selangor, Terengganu and parts of Sarawak have corporatized waterworks departments. Privatization of some aspects of water services such as operation and maintenance of water treatment plants will modernize the country’s water treatment facility and provide the nation with positive advancement in the field of environmental engineering. This is important to meet the country’s projected daily water demand of 15,205.44 million litres per day by 2010 from the current 9,540 million litres per day. The Malaysian government has approved 62 major projects, including 47 dams costing RM68 billion, nation-wide to be completed by 2050 under a master plan to meet this growing demand. This translates to not only the needs of adequate number of environmental engineers but also other specialists such as civil and mechanical engineers, project managers and engineering consultants. Besides the five areas mentioned above, environmental engineers are also highly sought after for such areas as air pollution prevention and control, environmental monitoring/management systems, environmental consultation, soil erosion prevention measures, noise monitoring/control, development of recycling systems and oil spill recovery. Overall, the demand for environmental engineers in the country is encouraging. |
salam saya sedang mencari pekerjaan dlm sektor alam sekitar sebelum ini saya pernah bekerja sebagai pegawai alam sekitar secara kontrak selama 2 tahun jikalau en. ada kekosongan jawatan khususnya sebagai perunding alam sekitar kerana saya ingin menceburi bidang jururunding alam sekitar.. boleh emailkan kepada saya? sekian terima kasih...
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